Our Mission
The purpose of our organization (“DFA”) is to provide education about the lives, times, heritage, history and early migration patterns of people settling the area in and around Massachusetts during the 19th and 20th Century from the Cape Verde Islands. The Association serves to strengthen a bond of kinship among those people interested in the history and heritage of the DePina Family and the preservation of the history of the Cape Verdean and other early settlers’ contributions to both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, Secondly, to sponsor related activities, informative lectures, events,and historical tours in an inclusive and sharing atmosphere. Third, to foster continuing research documenting past history so that present generations will have a template for those members to come in the future. In addition, we strive to empower our communities through various initiatives. DFA is also an organization that openly serves all members of the Massachusetts region through community engagement and programs aimed at empowerment and development.